Opportunties for Learning

Ready to join the OFL family?

You can enroll anytime!

There is no need to wait to enroll! OFL operates year-round and accepts incoming students every week.

Enroll with Us

If you’re ready to enroll, please pre-register to begin the process!


Find a Center Near You

We have locations across California. See our locations to find a center near you.



To start the pre-registration process, you’ll be routed to a platform called StudentTrac. Please create an account and a representative from the school will be in touch for your next steps.


Schedule an orientation

Hang tight! Expect a call from one of our team members soon to set up your orientation and address any remaining questions. Or, take the lead and reach out to our center directly to schedule your orientation.
From there, you’ll officially join the OFL community!

Get Started

It only takes 10 minutes!

Our pre-registration process takes place on StudentTrac. Get started by creating an account!

Interested in Our Programs?

Other questions?

If you’d like to learn more about our program first, please

Questions about Enrollment?

Whether you have questions about the program or difficulty pre-registering, our Enrollment Specialists are here to help you in every step of the way.